Borrow someone else's computer monitor and connect it to your computer The best method of determining this is to try the suggestions below. If you have followed the recommendations above and still no picture appears, your computer may have either a bad monitor, video card (graphics card), or motherboard. If you hear beeping when you turn on your computer or see strange lights, run through the POST troubleshooting steps to determine the issue. If the computer doesn't pass POST, it won't turn on or be responsive, and your monitor remains black. Once the computer is off wait a few seconds and then turn the computer back on by pressing the power button. You can tell a computer is off when it has no lights and the fans are not spinning. To reboot a computer when you cannot see anything press and hold the power button until the computer turns off. If the computer was on when the screen went black, something may have happened that requires the computer to be reboot.
How to adjust the brightness or contrast on a laptop.If you can view your monitor's settings menu even though the screen is blank, you likely need to turn up the brightness and contrast. Try using a different DVI, HDMI, or DisplayPort cable with your monitor. If your monitor is getting power, but no image appears, the data cable may be the issue. If this doesn't help, reconnect the data cable to the computer and back of the monitor, and then restart your computer. If the monitor status light is orange or flashing, verify the monitor is not in Standby mode, by moving the mouse or pressing the Esc. If you still cannot turn on the monitor after trying another wall outlet and cable, the monitor is broken and should be replaced. If the power cord is removable from the back of the monitor, try replacing it with another power cable.

If you see no lights on the monitor, make sure it is connected to a working wall outlet. This light is found on the front or the bottom of the monitor's bezel. Next, verify the monitor has power by looking for a blue, green, or orange light.
If your monitor initially works when you boot your computer and then goes blank when Windows starts, see: How to fix distorted video after increasing resolution in Windows.